Articles Related to Teaching
"Suggestions for Designing a Dissertation or Other Research Project with the Aim of Helping Advance Progressive Social Change," Center for Engaged Scholarship, 2022.
"Unpacking the Invisible Military Backpack: 56 Suggestions for Teaching about War," Radical Teacher 117 (August 11, 2020).
"What 9/11 Taught Me about COVID-19,” anthro{dendum}, April 27, 2020.
"Ensuring Your Research Has Some Impact: Some Dissemination Strategies." Unpublished resource.
"Suggestions for Designing a Dissertation or Other Research Project with the Aim of Helping Advance Progressive Social Change," Center for Engaged Scholarship, 2022.
"Unpacking the Invisible Military Backpack: 56 Suggestions for Teaching about War," Radical Teacher 117 (August 11, 2020).
"What 9/11 Taught Me about COVID-19,” anthro{dendum}, April 27, 2020.
"Ensuring Your Research Has Some Impact: Some Dissemination Strategies." Unpublished resource.
Course Syllabi
You may freely use the syllabi below, but please credit my name, the syllabus title, and date in any derivative syllabi or other work. Thanks! -David