Take Action:
Movements + Resources to End War
Movements + Organizations
This is a very limited list. Don't see an organization here? Email links to davidsvine [at] proton [dot] me
For a larger list of allies see: www.DismantleTheMIC.org/allies
For organizations working against US and other foreign military bases, see: www.basenation.us/learnmore
About Face: Veterans Against The War: aboutfaceveterans.org
American Friends Service Committee: afsc.org
Black Alliance for Peace: blackallianceforpeace.com
Code Pink for Peace: codepink.org
Common Defense: commondefense.us
Costs of War Project: costsofwar.org
Dissenters: wearedissenters.org
Friends Committee on National Legislation: fcnl.org/about/policy/issues/wars-militarism
Global Campaign on Military Spending: demilitarize.org
Institute for Policy Studies: https://ips-dc.org/issue-area/peace-foreign-policy/
Malalya Movement against Killings and Dictatorship and for Democracy in the Philippines: malayamovement.com
National Priorities Project: nationalpriorities.org/cost-of
Network to Dismantle the Military Industrial Complex: www.DismantleTheMIC.org
Overseas Base Realignment and Closure Coalition: overseasbases.net
Peace Action: peaceaction.org
Poor People’s Campaign: poorpeoplescampaign.org
Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft: quincyinst.org/militaryindustrialcomplex
Veterans for Peace: veteransforpeace.org
War Resisters International: wri-irg.org/en
Win Without War: winwithoutwar.org
Women for Genuine Security: www.genuinesecurity.org
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom: wilpf.org
World Beyond War: worldbeyondwar.org
For a larger list of allies see: www.DismantleTheMIC.org/allies
For organizations working against US and other foreign military bases, see: www.basenation.us/learnmore
About Face: Veterans Against The War: aboutfaceveterans.org
American Friends Service Committee: afsc.org
Black Alliance for Peace: blackallianceforpeace.com
Code Pink for Peace: codepink.org
Common Defense: commondefense.us
Costs of War Project: costsofwar.org
Dissenters: wearedissenters.org
Friends Committee on National Legislation: fcnl.org/about/policy/issues/wars-militarism
Global Campaign on Military Spending: demilitarize.org
Institute for Policy Studies: https://ips-dc.org/issue-area/peace-foreign-policy/
Malalya Movement against Killings and Dictatorship and for Democracy in the Philippines: malayamovement.com
National Priorities Project: nationalpriorities.org/cost-of
Network to Dismantle the Military Industrial Complex: www.DismantleTheMIC.org
Overseas Base Realignment and Closure Coalition: overseasbases.net
Peace Action: peaceaction.org
Poor People’s Campaign: poorpeoplescampaign.org
Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft: quincyinst.org/militaryindustrialcomplex
Veterans for Peace: veteransforpeace.org
War Resisters International: wri-irg.org/en
Win Without War: winwithoutwar.org
Women for Genuine Security: www.genuinesecurity.org
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom: wilpf.org
World Beyond War: worldbeyondwar.org
Suggested Resources for Research
This is a highly abbreviated guide to resources I have found particularly helpful in conducting research about and attempting to understand the history of U.S. wars, U.S. empire and imperialism, U.S. military bases, and related topics of militarism, militarization, and the military-industrial-congressional complex. The books, articles, films, videos, and other works in the endnotes to The United States of War provide a more exhaustive, but still partial, list. The resources here and in the endnotes focus on English-language materials. There are many other important resources in other languages.
Additional resources are on my website www.basenation.us
For current and historical lists of U.S. bases abroad, see my spreadsheets at www.basenation.us/learn-more
Antibase movements past and present, crowd-sourced list: https://bit.ly/2CUMcUg
Center for Public Environmental Oversight, documenting military base contamination: www.cpeo.org/milit.html
Congressional Research Service, reports on the U.S. military and war: www.fas.org/sgp/crs
Costs of War Project, Brown University, reports on the human and financial costs of the post-2001 U.S. wars: www.costsofwar.org
“Fifty-One US Military Outposts,” satellite photographs of military bases worldwide: https://mishkahenner.com/Fifty-One-US-Military-Outposts
GlobalSecurity.org, data and information about militaries worldwide: https://globalsecurity.org
Government Accountability Office, reports on military and war-related issues: www.gao.gov/browse/topic/National_Defense
Guantánamo Public Memory Project: https://gitmomemory.org
National Priorities Project, “Cost of National Security”: www.nationalpriorities.org/cost-of/ and “Trade-Offs: Your Money, Your Choices”: www.nationalpriorities.org/interactive-data/trade-offs
Overseas Base Realignment and Closure Coalition: www.overseasbases.net
Peace Action: www.peaceaction.org/what-we-do/campaigns/pentagon-spending
Radical Cartography, “U.S. Empire” maps: www.radicalcartography.net/index.html?usempire
Security Assistance Monitor, data on U.S. military and related aid abroad: www.securityassistance.org
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, “SIPRI Military Expenditure Database”: www.sipri.org/databases/milex
TomDispatch, articles on war, imperialism, the military-industrial complex, other topics: www.tomdispatch.com
Transnational Institute, primer on foreign military bases: www.tni.org/primer/foreign-military-bases-and-global-campaign-close-them
Women for Genuine Security: www.genuinesecurity.org
U.S. Air Force Historical Research Agency: www.afhra.af.mil
U.S. Army Center for Military History: www.history.army.mil
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Office of History: www.usace.army.mil/About/History.aspx
U.S. Marine Corps History Division: www.usmcu.edu/Research/History-Division
U.S. Navy Naval History and Heritage Command: www.history.navy.mil